Our company fully recognizes the importance of protecting personal information and strives to protect personal information based on the following policy.

1. Scope of application

Personal information that is within the scope of this privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy") is defined as "information about an individual that can identify a specific individual based on certain information contained in the information. (Same as Article 2 of the Information Protection Act).
However, this policy does not apply to personal information registered on linked websites within websites operated by our company or other websites that are not directly managed by our company.

2. Compliance with laws and regulations regarding personal information protection, national guidelines, and other norms

Our company complies with the Personal Information Protection Act, local ordinances, guidelines and guidelines established by ministries and agencies such as the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and other norms related to personal information protection (hereinafter referred to as "Related Laws, etc.").

3. Appropriate acquisition of personal information

When acquiring personal information directly from the person in question, we will clearly state the necessary information such as the purpose of use of the personal information to the person and obtain their consent.
Our company does not acquire specific sensitive personal information that falls under the following.
However, this does not apply if acquisition is required by relevant laws and regulations.

  • ■Matters related to thoughts, beliefs, or religion
  • ■Race, ethnicity, family origin, domicile (excluding information regarding prefecture), physical/mental disability, criminal history, and other matters that may cause social discrimination.
  • ■Matters related to workers' right to organize, collective bargaining, and other acts of collective action
  • ■Matters related to participation in collective demonstrations, exercise of the right to petition, and other political rights.
  • ■Matters related to health care or sex life

4. Appropriate use and provision of personal information

The collected personal information will be used for the purpose of providing event information, product information, etc., internet sales, understanding and analyzing usage status, etc. Our company will not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the person, except for provision in connection with outsourcing.
However, if disclosure is based on a warrant issued by a court or other court decision, order, or law, if information is requested by a public prosecutor, police, or regulatory agency through lawful and formal procedures, or in accordance with other relevant laws and regulations, etc. This does not apply to disclosures made pursuant to the Act.
In order to prevent the use and provision of personal information for purposes other than those intended, our company conducts daily inspections and internal audits based on a personal information protection management system.

5. Prevention and correction of leakage, loss, and damage of personal information

Our company has taken the following safety management measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information through unauthorized access, etc. If safety management deficiencies are discovered, we will promptly take corrective measures.

  • ■Personal information will be stored in an information system that is protected against unauthorized access, and access logs will be acquired and monitored.
  • ■Paper and electronic media containing personal information will be stored in a locked space.
  • ■We will take physical security measures to prevent unauthorized access to offices and server rooms.
  • ■We will confirm that the processing and storage of personal information is being entrusted to companies that protect personal information appropriately, and we will provide necessary supervision.

6. Disclaimer

Our company is not involved in the management of service users' IDs and passwords.
In the unlikely event that your ID and password are used by a third party due to your carelessness, your registered personal information may be viewed. In addition to taking responsibility for this, please take sufficient care to avoid errors in use or unauthorized use by third parties.

7. Continuous improvement of personal information protection management system

We regularly review and continuously improve our personal information protection management system in line with changes in the business environment and social conditions, advances in information security technology, and revisions to laws and regulations.

8. Inquiries regarding personal information

(1) Response to complaints and consultations
If we receive complaints or consultations regarding personal information, we promise to respond as seriously as possible.

(2) Various requests regarding personal information
If we receive a request for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, suspension of provision to third parties, or erasure of personal information, we will confirm the identity of the individual and confirm the identity of the individual. We will take care of the procedure.

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9. Regarding revisions to this policy

In order to ensure the protection of personal information, our company will continue to revise the above policy as appropriate based on future trends in practice.
In that case, please note that all updates will be announced on this page.