Ever fell in love with a fragrance that ignites a lifelong passion to share it with the rest of the world?
This is the story of how LAGENDA® came to be one of Malaysia's most renowned orchid fragrances. LAGENDA® 's existence can be traced back to 2013 when its founders first stumbled across a unique orchid scent.
“Scent can heal emotions” is what olfactory psychologists say, and the orchid scent was so intoxicating that it immediately led to the passionate rush to refine and purify it into the LAGENDA® Orchid Eau De Parfum today.
The task was not easy as Malaysia was home to over 800 variants of orchids. However, through sheer passion and determination, the perfumer sorted through the mixtures and came up with the ultimate orchid fragrance.
Today, LAGENDA® is recognized as Malaysia's truly unique fragrance, each bottle of LAGENDA® Orchid Eau De Parfum is a treasure that seals within it. The orchid fragrant evokes the wonders of exotic BEAUTY, NATURE, and MALAYSIA in its entirety.
With great value, Orchid lies the roots, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds which are edible, with some even considered pharmaceutical. With the help of technology, LAGENDA® continues to live on in new body care products.
Infused with tropical plants and Oceanic extract such as GAMAT and VIRGIN COCONUT OIL, the best combination of Malaysia’s most exclusive natural ingredients helps in healing and hydrating our body from inside out. The line-up of products will continue to expand as the popularity of the unique Orchid fragrance and products continues to grow.
LAGENDA® - the smiling Orangutan, would like to spread the warmest care and thought with the lovely Orchid scents and products, let people connect with joyful heart and keep smiling always.
Healing the world with orchid fragrances, discovering and promoting the cultures, arts and values of Malaysian orchids.
Healing the world with orchid fragrances, discovering and promoting the cultures, arts and values of Malaysian orchids.
LAGENDA Japan Official Shop
Salute Co., Ltd.
2-13-2 Koshinminami, Nishi-ku, Niigata-shi, Niigata-ken 950-2028 JAPAN
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